Rio Tinto Kitimat Aluminum Smelter Modernization Project (KMP)
Western Industrial Contractors Ltd. played a big role in the $4.8 Billion projects. Starting in 2008 with the completion of underground Storm Sewer and Utility relocations, Completion of Various Facility Relocations under a design-build conception, including a 22,000 sq. ft. warehouse, Stud Rebuild, Shot Blast Siphon Tip, Maintenance Facilities, Lockers, and Showers. Completion of 250,000 sq. ft. Anode Pallet Storage Facility including Foundations, Structural Steel and Cladding, Completion of 44,000 sq. ft. NRSB Facility including Foundations, Structural Steel and Cladding. Completion of Process area Control Rooms, Vehicle Doors, Crane Mega Doors, Personnel Doors. Many other various projects throughout to completion.